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3 Signs Your Car Requires Transmission Service

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Whether you've recently purchased a new car or you have owned one for several years, it is crucial to always maintain the various parts of your vehicle. One of the most important of these parts is the transmission, which controls the power that is transferred from the engine to the wheels via a series of gears. If your car's transmission fails, you should prepare for what will almost certainly be a large repair bill—this is all the more reason why you should always be aware of signs that your car requires transmission service. Take a look below at just three signs that your auto transmission is likely in need of repair.

A Strange Odor

Many people are surprised to learn that one of the most noticeable signs a transmission requires service is actually a smell. Transmissions require fluid to keep them lubricated, and when this fluid runs low (or in a worst-case scenario, runs completely out) there is a noticeable smell that accompanies it. This smell is usually described as that of something burning, or even strangely sweet. Should you detect this odor at any point, it is best to make an appointment with your local mechanic as soon as possible to have your transmission fluid topped up. 

The Sound of Grinding Gears

Another sign you should have your car's transmission serviced is not a smell, but rather a sound. If you hear gears grinding together while you drive, there is likely a problem that requires a professional assessment. Grinding gears can themselves signal a problem with the clutch, damage to the gear system, or internal damage to another component. Failing to properly shift gears manually can also lead to gradual but significant damage. Regardless of what the particular problem may be, the sound of grinding gears should be addressed immediately.

Noise While In Neutral

While the sound of grinding gears is heard while on the road, it is also common for people to spot a problem with their transmission before they even begin to drive. A whining or high buzzing sound while your car's transmission is in neutral is another sign that it needs to be serviced soon. This sound is more often than not due to bearings inside the torque converter that are key to the transmission's functionality. Taking a moment to listen to any sounds that your vehicle might be making while in neutral can save you money, time, and future headaches. 

To find out more, or for assistance, visit a company like Denville Transmission.
