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Understanding Driveline Repair And What Is Involved

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Driveline repair services are commonly offered through any dealer or service center that typically makes repairs to vehicles like yours. The driveline has its own set of challenges and symptoms that you may notice when it needs service, but understanding what is included and what to look for is an excellent place to start. 

Understanding The Driveline

The driveline in any car or truck refers to the part of the vehicle that starts at the output of the transmission. Typically this means the driveshaft or half shafts, the U-joints or CV joints, seals, bearings, and other moving parts that deliver the power from the engine and transmission to the drive wheels.

Driveline repair can involve one or multiple parts of that system and often becomes necessary when the parts begin to wear over time. Because the parts are under constant stress and moving when the vehicle is, they can wear faster than other parts, and there are some things to watch for that can help signal a need for driveline repair. 

Signs Of Trouble

The driveline parts in your car or truck can often signal the need for service or driveline repair if you know what to watch for. Rear-wheel-drive cars and trucks may experience some noise and even a banging when shifting into gear as the transmission loads the driveshaft and U-joints in the vehicle. The joints may have play in them that allow some movement, and when driving, they can also begin to vibrate. 

In front-wheel-drive cars, this is less common, as they use a constant velocity joint instead of U-joints, but over time they can wear, and you may hear clicking noises when turning under power, and vibrations in the driveline can appear as you are driving. In both systems, you may also experience some leaks around wheel seals that you should address, and the entire driveline should be inspected anytime the car is in the shop for regular service.

Driveline Repairs

Driveline repair or service is something that most auto repair shops can handle for you, and the repairs can range from a few dollars to much more depending on where the problem is in the system and how much damage has occurred over time. If the problems have persisted for some time without proper service, it will often make the repair more challenging and could result in additional driveline wear that you could have avoided. 

If you are experiencing vibrations, strange noises under the vehicle, or changes in the way the car drives, it is a good idea to take it in for driveline repair or service as soon as you notice the issues. Early service and repair can mean the difference between a minor repair and a costly one that may not be covered under your warranty and comes out of your pocket.

Contact an auto shop that provides driveline repair services to learn more. 
