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3 Signs That Your Lawn Mower Motor Needs Repair Work

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Too many people make the mistake of simply assuming that once their lawn mower starts giving them trouble that it is just garbage and that it will need to be replaced. That can be such a costly way to do things, especially when the option of small engine repair is available. To help you know when the small engine in your lawn mower needs to have repair work done to it, you will want to take a few minutes to review the following.

There's A Loud Knocking Sound

You are probably very used to the sounds your lawn mower makes whenever you first start it up and as you use it throughout the day. Therefore, if you are suddenly starting to notice that there are different sounds, such as a knocking sound coming from the engine, you will want to turn it off and schedule a repair appointment for it. You will want to have the repairs done while the engine is still operational and before the problem gets worse and more expensive.

There's A Lot Of Exhaust Smoke

You should not see or smell anything coming out of the exhaust. If you start up your lawn mower and notice that there is a lot of white or black smoke coming from the exhaust, you know that there is a problem. You will want to immediately schedule an appointment for small engine repair work. There are a variety of causes for smoke coming from the exhaust and a professional will know just what it is that needs to be replaced.

There Are Sputtering Sounds Once You Get It Started

You might start to notice that it is becoming harder and harder to get your lawn mower started. Then, once it is started, you might realize that it is making a lot of sputtering sounds. This is an indication that the lawn mower motor is having trouble consistently running. Take your lawn mower in for small engine repair work if you notice this happening.

There is a good chance that after you have had the chance to review the previously mentioned points, you will be much more prepared to have your current lawn mower repaired rather than just dragging it to the curb on garbage day. Do make sure that you are calling for small engine repair work as soon as you suspect that there is an issue. In the meantime, you might want to dedicate some time to find a local small engine repair mechanic. This way, as soon as you are in need of a repair appointment, you will know exactly who to call.
