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Don't Ignore These 3 Common Vehicle Mechanical Issues

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Your car needs regular maintenance, or else it will cost you a lot in repairs. You need to stay on top of your vehicle's mechanical issues, as they can worsen over time if not addressed.

Here are three common mechanical issues that you should never ignore.

Fluid Leaks

If you ever notice a puddle of liquid under your vehicle, take note of the color and location. Different colored liquids signal different kinds of problems.

For example, red fluid typically means there is an issue with the transmission or power steering system since the transmission fluid often has a reddish hue. Green fluid indicates a leak in the coolant system, while brown fluid could indicate a radiator or oil leak. Usually, the leak's location can help you diagnose the problem more accurately.

Some people often ignore fluid leaks, thinking it's a minor issue. However, this can be a major problem as these often dictate a lot about your vehicle's performance.

For instance, a radiator leak can cause your engine to overheat, while a transmission fluid leak can trigger irreversible damage to internal parts of your transmission system. The transmission fluid's job is to keep the parts lubricated, cool, and clean. When there's a leak, the transmission's ability to regulate temperatures or wear and tear is compromised.

Tire Wear

Pay attention to how much tread is left on your tires regularly. Not only does this impact your safety, but it also impacts how efficiently your car runs.

Bald tires can cause poor handling on wet roads and reduce fuel efficiency due to increased rolling resistance. Rolling resistance refers to the amount of force your engine needs to exert for your car to move. The more resistance there is, the less fuel-efficient your vehicle is.

Check the wear on all four tires periodically and replace them when necessary to keep yourself safe and keep more money in your pocket. You can check the depth of your tire tread using a penny or measuring tape. Insert a penny into your tire's tread grooves with Lincoln's head facing down. If the top of his head is visible, it's probably time to replace your tires.

Noise From the Engine

Any strange noises coming from the engine should be checked out right away by a qualified mechanic before they become worse and cost you more money down the road. This includes rattling, knocking, grinding, or whirring sounds that may indicate something is wrong with your vehicle's engine components.

It could be an issue with spark plugs, timing belts, or other internal parts that need replacement or repair. Timing belts are especially important, as they keep the engine in sync by allowing different components to move at the same time. The belt might make noises if it's worn out or if it becomes too stretched.

For more information about auto repair, contact a local auto shop.
