Finding Better Auto Service

3 Signs Your Car Requires Transmission Service

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Whether you’ve recently purchased a new car or you have owned one for several years, it is crucial to always maintain the various parts of your vehicle. One of the most important of these parts is the transmission, which controls the power that is transferred from the engine to the wheels via a series of gears. If your car’s transmission fails, you should prepare for what will almost certainly be a large repair bill—this is all the more reason why you should always be aware of signs that your car requires transmission service. Read More»

4 Reasons to Replace Uncracked Auto Glass

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Your vehicle’s glass doesn’t have to be chipped or badly cracked in order to need replacing. Not all damages are the result of a rock chip or broken windshield. Less obvious damages can begin to affect your vehicle, particularly if it’s older. These damages may not look severe, but they can compromise visibility as well as the safety of your car. The good news is that simply replacing the damaged but uncracked glass will solve the problem quickly and effectively. Read More»

3 Noises That Tell You What Is Ailing Your Car

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You have probably encountered unusual sounds when driving your car. Typically, you already know the sounds your vehicle makes after driving it repeatedly. That makes it easy to detect unfamiliar noises that require auto repairs.  Ignoring such sounds can worsen an otherwise minor issue that would be easy to fix if addressed on time. Therefore, it is advisable to visit your auto mechanic as soon as you notice something unusual. Here are three car sounds you should not turn a deaf ear to. Read More»

Do Break Squeaks Mean You Have A Problem?

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Your brakes shouldn’t squeak when you apply them. If they do, they could indicate you need brake repair. However, not all squeaking incidences mean you need to run to the repair shop right away. The trick to knowing whether you need repair is to know what your brake squeaks mean. Keep reading to learn more about why automobile brakes squeak and when you should take your car in for repairs. Read More»

Tips For Fixing Stone Chips In Your Windshield

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Do you have a stone chip in your windshield that you want to repair? It may be right in your field of vision, or you simply want to fix it so that the chip doesn’t turn into damage that is much bigger. Here are some tips for how you can fix a stone chip on your own using a DIY kit.  Clean Out The Chip Start by cleaning out the chip with a push pin, which may come with your kit already. Read More»