Finding Better Auto Service

Scrape And Hiss: Understanding What Your Vehicle Is Saying To You

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An automobile was never created to be a silent machine. In fact, it is perfectly normal for it to make some noise as you are driving down the road. It is normal to hear the wind whistle against the radio antenna; and it is normal to hear the tread of your tires hum as they grind against the asphalt you are driving on. There are, however, other noises, including scraping and hissing, that should not be ignored or written off as “ Read More»

Three Signs Your Volvo's Transmission Is In Need Of Repair

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Volvos have been known for many years as quality automobiles. However, just like any other vehicle, they do come along with the potential for malfunctions. Particularly when it comes to the transmission, being able to recognize these problems early can help keep you from finding yourself stranded on the road and more importantly, help you save on repair costs. Here are just some of the Volvo transmission warning signs you need to pay attention to. Read More»

Tips To Prolong Tire Life & Signs They Should Be Replaced

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Tires are extremely important; in fact, unattended or worn tires are a major contributor to vehicular accidents. The following guide will reveal some signs that might help you prevent an accident by prolonging the life of your tires. Guide To Prolong Tire Life Consider some of the following to prolong the life of your tires: Check your tire pressure every month (and more frequently during extreme temperatures, as those temperatures affect tire pressure). Read More»

3 Tips For Saving Money On Campsites For Your Recreational Vehicle

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If you are the proud owner of an RV, you are probably always ready to plan and head out on an adventure. One great thing about RV ownership is the fact that you can head off on adventures without having to spend as much as you might normally spend on a vacation, but campsites for your RV can still be expensive. Luckily, following a few tips can help you save money on campsite rentals. Read More»

How To Change The Air Filters In Your Vehicle

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Your vehicle has two air filters, one to clean the air that you breathe and the other to clean the air that your engine needs for peak performance. This is especially true under adverse conditions such as the presence of road salt on winter roads as it dries and blows into your air filters, clogging them and severely limiting their effectiveness. You can change your own air filters with a minimal amount of skill and no specialized tools. Read More»